Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Last Day in WA (hey that rhymes!)

The past year and a bit has been challenging spending a LOT of time away from home and from my family at home. Working on a mine-site in the Pilbara region of Western Australia on a two weeks on-site and one week off-site roster catching 3 planes to get to and from my home in New Zealand to work (sometimes 4!). This sounds especially crazy when you consider the fact that I am a REALLY nervous flyer and believe I am going to die almost everytime I am in the air and several times I have had to restrain myself from jumping onto my neighbours lap screaming "what the hell was that noise? Must be an engine fault - we're all gonna die!".

Me in the Pilbara

Tomorrow is my last day on-site before I take that dreaded three flight trip home back to NZ for the final time. I'm very excited because offcourse that means this time next week I will be freezing my ass off in Germany, but it's also sad to leave behind some really great friends I have made here. We can't have it all can we? Here's to the next very exciting chapter in my life! Hooray!

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