Friday, August 9, 2013

Renting an Apartment While Travelling Germany

I thought I´d better blog today as we only have one full day left pet-sitting the sausage dog in this pink house in Bavaria, and most of that time will be taken up with cleaning and packing, so if I don´t blog today it may not be for some time.

As we no longer have the van, the rest of our trip will be by train, and on Sunday our train leaves here (departing at 6:30am no less!) and we head up to Köln (Cologne) for a week. It´s a trip that is around four and a half hours by car,that will take us almost eight hours on the train as I booked the cheapest tickets possible (damn budget!). The good news is we´re being met at the other end by the lady who is renting out her apartment to us for eight nights. I found her on the German real-estate website Studenten-WG which has lots of ads for share-house accomodation, but also has the option to restrict your search for what the Germans' call 'Zwischenmiete'. Zwischenmiete is when a persons' apartment is available to rent for a short period only, usually just while they are away on holidays or similar, in my case it's because the renter spends most her time at her boyfriend's apartment while on uni holidays. Zwischenmiete is great if you want to spend at least a week in the one place, as they´re not usually available for less than this, and the apartment's come completely furnished with everything still in them. It does help if you're flexible with your travel plans and dates though, so that you can work around when a Zwischenmiete is available, the same goes for pet-sitting.

So yesterday we gave the sausage a bath so that she´s super pretty for when her owners get home (considerate much?) and afterwards she just went psycho with energy. Between appearing to be digging to China and barking at the wall, it was all pretty entertaining to watch, I even made a video out of it:

We´re both more than ready to move on and explore new places, but boy am I going to miss my little sausage friend, even though lately it seems to be Zac she´s more in love with than me.
haha man these dogs crack me up! Found this one on

Awwww I´m gonna miss that face!



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