Saturday, April 13, 2013

Black, White & Czech

During the last few days we've managed to visit several towns within an hours drive of Kaltenbrunn including Nuremberg, Regensburg, and just yesterday we spent the day in the town of Cheb in the Czech Republic. 

Ruins of Kallmunz Castle near Regensburg

Awesome that we are so close to the border that we were able to 'pop' over to the Czech Republic just for a day. Was super awesome when we went to the supermarket and saw how much cheaper everything was, except I forgot that even though they are part of the EU that they still have there own currency, so we weren't able to confirm this fact until we got back out to the car and checked the conversion rate in our guidebook. I have been to the Czech Republic before but Zac wouldn't take my word for it when I said things were cheaper, which was fair enough considering the whole time before we arrived I was telling him they use the Euro.

Just outside the town of Cheb there are a few lakes which are popular in Summer and we also fell upon a random 'Amerika' themed petting zoo and small wildlife park. There were a couple of Snow owls which pulled the most hilarious faces.

Czech flavoured milk - yum

We've both fallen in love with Darcie, she is just the sweetest little thing, she always wants to be on one of our laps, or at least as close to us on the chair or couch as possible. I am her overall favorite (naturally) but over this week she has also warmed to Zac. They look extra super cute together because he's so big and she's so little.

It's bittersweet that we're about to leave this pet-sitting assignment, say good-bye to Darcie, and continue on our way. I wish we could bring Darcie with us but I'm also excited to see where we end up next. The plan is loosely to head to the Alps and try to get some snow-boarding in before the end of the season.

1 comment:

  1. You're taking some nice photos with your camera. Darcie looks adorable too. Ronwin xxoo
