Monday, April 1, 2013

The Day Before Tomorrow

I have not posted for a while but that's only because I've been busy and not simply because I've been slack (although there maybe an element of that too). On Friday the pet-sitting assignment finished and I moved back into my girlfriend's place and the same day I also brought a campervan!  I plan to drive the van to Frankfurt on Tuesday (tomorrow!) to pick my husband Zac up from the airport, and then we begin our trip together, and thus begins the 120 day challenge...

Originally I was thinking I would take my time and buy a van within the next few weeks but then I realised that in Germany you must register a vehicle in the same region where you are registered as living, which is Berlin, and that if I didn't buy one before I left Berlin that I would maybe not get another chance for maybe a couple of months. Basically that is why all of a sudden I own a van, plus I did inspect several, but this one suits us pretty well perfectly.

Our New Home
I'll upload more photos once I officially take ownership, before I can do that though I have an appointment with the infamous German bureaucracy that is the vehicle registration department tomorrow. First thing when they open I will be there to attempt to change the paperwork details and get the car in my name. The guy who I bought the car off is super nice & helpful and is coming with me (which is also to ensure his name is taken off the paperwork ofcourse!). As long as that part of it goes off without a hitch I will then be moving out of my friends apartment in Berlin and moving all my stuff into our new home...

Wish me luck and Happy Easter from Germany!!

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